Electronic Publication/s

Barbara Karl

Treasury ‒ Kunstkammer ‒ Museum: Objects from the Islamic World in the Museum Collections of Vienna

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik
Nr. 62
ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-6952-9 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-7226-0
Subject Area: Oriental Studies
refereed - online - print

Preliminaries page 1
(Abstract) (PDF)

Contents page 3
(Abstract) (PDF)

Acknowledgments page 5
(Abstract) (PDF)

Introduction page 7
(Abstract) (PDF)

The Collection of Objects from the Islamic World in Vienna page 12
(Abstract) (PDF)

The Museums, Concluding Remarks page 39
(Abstract) (PDF)

Bibliography, Index page 117
(Abstract) (PDF)

Plates page 141
(Abstract) (PDF)