Electronic Publication/s

collected edition
Leena Mari Peltomaa - Andreas Külzer - Pauline Allen

Presbeia Theotokou

Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung
ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-7602-2 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-7828-6
Subject Area: Byzantine Studies
refereed - online - print

Presbeia Theotokou
(Abstract) (PDF)

Titelei page 1
(Abstract) (PDF)

Contents page 5
(Abstract) (PDF)

List of Illustrations page 7
(Abstract) (PDF)

Johannes Koder
Geleitwort page 9
(Abstract) (PDF)

Leena Mari Peltomaa - Andreas Külzer
Presbeia Theotokou: An Introduction page 11
(Abstract) (PDF)

Stephen J. Shoemaker
The Ancient Dormition Apocrypha and the Origins of Marian Piety: Early Evidence of Marian Intercession from Late Ancient Palestine page 23
(Abstract) (PDF)

Rina Avner
Presbeia Theotokou, Presbeia mētros: Reconsidering the Origins of the Feast and the Cult of the Theotokos at the Kathisma, on the Road to Bethlehem page 41
(Abstract) (PDF)

Arne Effenberger
Maria als Vermittlerin und Fürbitterin. Zum Marienbild in der spätantiken und frühbyzantinischen Kunst Ägyptens page 49
(Abstract) (PDF)

Antonia Atanassova
The Theme of Marian Mediation in Cyril of Alexandria’s Ephesian Writings page 109
(Abstract) (PDF)

Theodore de Bruyn
Appeals to the Intercessions of Mary in Greek Liturgical and Paraliturgical Texts from Egypt page 115
(Abstract) (PDF)

Leena Mari Peltomaa
“Cease your lamentations, I shall become an advocate for you”. Mary as Intercessor in Romanos’ Hymnography page 131
(Abstract) (PDF)

Mary B. Cunningham
Mary as Intercessor in Constantinople during the Iconoclast Period: The Textual Evidence page 139
(Abstract) (PDF)

Cornelia Horn
Ancient Syriac Sources on Mary’s Role as Intercessor page 153
(Abstract) (PDF)

Pauline Allen
Antioch-on-the-Orontes and its Territory: A “terra dura” for Mariology? page 177
(Abstract) (PDF)

Annegret Plontke-Lüning - Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan
Die Jungfrau Maria als Fürsprecherin in Literatur und Kunst Armeniens bis zum 8. Jahrhundert page 189
(Abstract) (PDF)

Galina Fingarova
Mary as Intercessor in the Decoration of the Chapel in Durrës, Albania page 203
(Abstract) (PDF)

Henry Maguire
What is an Intercessory Image of the Virgin? The Evidence from the West page 219
(Abstract) (PDF)

Alexandra-Kyriaki Wassiliou-Seibt
Die sigilliographische Evidenz der Theotokos und ihre Entwicklung bis zum Ende des Ikonoklasmus page 233
(Abstract) (PDF)

Presbeia Theotokou: A Bibliography page 243
(Abstract) (PDF)

List of Contributors page 267
(Abstract) (PDF)

Index page 269
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