Electronic Publication/s

The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. III


The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. III


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-3998-0
Subject AreaEgyptology
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print



Manfred Bietak, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften


Manfred Bietak, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften - Ernst Czerny, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften


page 10

Manfred Bietak, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften - Felix Höflmayer, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

High and low chronology

page 13

Malcolm H. Wiener

Times Change: The Current State of the Debate in Old World Chronology

page 25

Max Bichler - Barbara Duma - Heinz Huber - Andreas Musilek

Distinction of Pre-Minoan Pumice from Santorini, Greece

page 49

Max Bichler - Heinz Huber - Peter Warren

Project Thera Ashes – Pumice Sample from Knossos

page 59

Hendrik J. Bruins

Charcoal Radiocarbon Dates of Tell el-Dabca

page 65

Hendrik J. Bruins - Amihai Mazar - Johannes van der Pflicht

The End of the 2nd Millennium BCE and the Transition from Iron I to Iron IIA: Radiocarbon Dates of Tel Rehov, Israel

page 79

Start W. Manning

Clarifying the ‘High’ v. ‘Low’ Aegean/Cypriot Chronology for the Mid Second Millennium BC: Assessing the Evidence, Interpretive Frameworks, and Current State of the Debate

page 101

John A. Westgate - Sheri J. Preece - Warren J. Eastwood - William T. Perkins - Joanna S. Hart - Nicolas J.G. Pearce, author

Reinterpretation of Greenland Ice-core Data Recognises the Presence of the Late Holocene Aniakchak Tephra (Alaska), not the Minoan Tephra (Santorini), at 1645 BC

page 139

Ilan Sharon - Ayelet Gilboa - Elisabetha Boaretto

14C and the Early Iron Age of Israel – Where are we really at? A Commentary on the Tel Rehov Radiometric Dates

page 149

Uroš Anderlič - Maria G. Firneis

First Lunar Crescents for Babylon in the 2nd Millennium B.C.

page 157

Kenneth A. Kitchen

Egyptian and Related Chronologies – Look, no Sciences, no Pots!

page 163

Rolf Krauss

An Egyptian Chronology for Dynasties XIII to XXV

page 173

Katherina Aslanidou

Some Ornamental Scenes on the Wall Paintings from Tell el Dabca: Iconography and Context

page 191

David A. Aston

Kom Rabica, Ezbet Helmi, and Saqqara NK 3507. A Study in Cross-Dating

page 207

Bettina Bader

A Tale of Two Cities: First Results of a Comparison Between Avaris and Memphis

page 249

Manfred Bietak

Bronze Age Paintings in the Levant: Chronological and Cultural Considerations

page 269

Perla Fuscaldo

Tell el-Dabca: Some Remarks on the Pottery from cEzbet Helmi (Areas H/III and H/VI, Strata e/1 and d)

page 301

Helen Jaquet-Gordon

A Habitation Site at Karnak North Prior to the New Kingdom

page 317

Teodozja Rzeuska

Some Remarks on the Egyptian kernoi

page 325

Sandra Antonetti

Intra moenia Middle Bronze Age Burials at Tell es-Sultan: A Chronological Perspective

page 337

Michael Artzy

Tell Abu Hawam: News from the Late Bronze Age

page 357

Frans van Koppen

Syrian Trade Routes of the Mari Age and MB II Hazor

page 367

Mario A.S. Martin

A Collection of Egyptian and Egyptian-style Pottery at Beth Shean

page 375

Mirko Novák

Mittani Empire and the Question of Absolute Chronology: Some Archaeological Considerations

page 389

Luca Peyronel

Late Old Syrian Fortifications and Middle Syrian Re-Occupation on the Western Rampart at Tell Mardikh-Ebla

page 403

Uwe Sievertsen

New Research on Middle Bronze Age Chronology of Western Syria

page 423

Jean-Paul Thalmann

A Seldom Used Parameter in Pottery Studies: the Capacity of Pottery Vessels

page 431

Lindy Crewe

The Foundation of Enkomi: A New Analysis of the Stratigraphic Sequence and Regional Ceramic Connections

page 439

Walter Gauss - Rudolfine Smetana

Early and Middle Bronze Age Stratigraphy and Pottery from Aegina Kolonna

page 451

Peter Pavúk

New Perspectives on Troia VI Chronology

page 473

Jacke Philipps

The Amenhotep III ‘Plaques’ from Mycenae: Comparison, Contrast and a Question of Chronology

page 479

Peter M. Warren

A New Pumice Analysis from Knossos and the End of Late Minoan I A

page 495

Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy

Section “Mycenaeans and Philistines in the Levant”: Introduction

page 501

Paul Åström

Sinda and the Absolute Chronology of Late Cypriote IIIA

page 505

Tristan J. Barako

Coexistence and Impermeability: Egyptians and Philistines in Southern Canaan During the Twelfth Century BCE

page 509

Israel Finkenstein

Is the Philistine Paradigm Still Viable?

page 517

Elisabeth French

The Impact on Correlations to the Levant of the Recent Stratigraphic Evidence from the Argolid

page 525

Marta Guzowska - Assaf Yasur-Landau

The Mycenaean Pottery from Tel Aphek: Chronology and Patterns of Trade

page 537

Sophokles Hadjisavvas

The Public Face of the Absolute Chronology for Cypriot Prehistory

page 547

Reinhard Jung

Tell Kazel and the Mycenaean Contacts with Amurru (Syria)

page 551

Amihai Mazar

Myc IIIC in the Land Israel: Its Distribution, Date and Significance

page 571

Penelope A. Mountjoy

The Dating of the Early LC IIIA Phase at Enkomi

page 583

Constance von Rüden

Exchange Between Cyprus and Crete in the ‘Dark Ages’?

page 595

David Ussishkin

Lachish and the Date of the Philistine Settlement in Canaan

page 601

Assaf Yasur-Landau

Let’s Do the Time Warp again: Migration Processes and the Absolute Chronology of the Philistine Settlement

page 609

Sharon Zuckerman

Dating the Destruction of Canaanite Hazor without Mycenaean Pottery?

page 621

Manfred Bietak - Ernst Czerny


page 631