Electronic Publication/s

Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchronisms

Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie Band XLII

Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchronisms


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-3987-4
Subject AreaClassical Archaeology
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Florens Felten - Walter Gauss - Rudolfine Smetana


page 1

Florens Felten - Walter Gauss - Rudolfine Smetana


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Florens Felten - Walter Gauss - Rudolfine Smetana


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Florens Felten - Walter Gauss - Rudolfine Smetana

Preface by the Editors

page 9

Florens Felten

Aegina-Kolonna: The History of a Greek Acropolis

page 11

Jeremy Rutter

Reconceptualizing the Middle Helladic "Type Site" from a Ceramic Perspective: Is "Bigger" Really "Better"?

page 35

Wolfgang Wohlmayer

Aegina Kolonna MH III-LH I: Ceramic Phases of an Aegean Trade-Domain

page 45

Walter Gauss - Rudolfine Smetana

Aegina Kolonna, the Ceramic Sequence of the SCIEM 2000 Project

page 57

Gilles Touchais

Coarse Ware from the Middle Helladic Settlement of Aspis, Argos: Local Production and Imports

page 81

Anna Philippa-Touchais

Aeginetan Matt Painted Pottery at Middle Helladic Aspis, Argos

page 97

Michael Lindblom

Early Mycenaean Mortuary Meals at Lerna VI with special Emphasis on their Aeginetan Components

page 115

Jörg Rambach

Investigations of two MH I Burial Mounds at Messenian Kastroulia (Near Ellinika, Ancient Thouria)

page 137

Kalliope Sarri

Aeginetan Matt-Painted Pottery in Boeotia

page 151

Joseph Maran

Emulation of Aeginetan Pottery in the Middle Bronze Age of Coastal Thessaly: Regional Context and Social Meaning

page 167

Barbara Horejs

Transition from Middle to Late Bronze Age in Central Macedonia and Its Synchronism with the "Helladic World"

page 183

Aleydis van de Moortel

Middle Minoan Pottery Chronology and Regional Diversity in Central Crete

page 201

Carl Knappett

The Beginnings of the Aegean Middle Bronze Age: A View from East Crete

page 215

Luca Girella

Toward a Definition of the MM III Ceramic Sequence in South-Central Crete: returning to the Traditional MM IIIA and IIIB Division?

page 233

Nicoletta Momigliano - Carl Knappett

Kamares or Not Kamares? This Is [Not] the Question. Southeast Aegean Light-on-Dark (LOD) and Dark-on-Light (DOL) Pottery: Synchronisms, Production Centers, and Distribution

page 257

Eleni Hatzaki

Ceramic Groups of Early Neopalatial Knossos in the Context of Crete and the South Aegean

page 273

Peter Pavuk

What can Troia tell us about the Middle Helladic Period in the Southern Aegean?

page 295

Vasif Şahoglu

Çeşme-Baglararasi: A New Excavatipn in Western Anatolia

page 309

Massimo Cultraro

The Middle Bronze Age Pottery Sequence in the Northern Aegean Islands: The Evidence of Poliochni, Lemnos

page 323

Donna May Crego

Exchange in Period IV at Ayia Irini on Kea

page 333

John Overbeck

The Middle Bronze Age Sequences of Kea and Aegina

page 339

Irene Nikolakopoulou

Aspects of Interaction between the Cyclades and the Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age

page 347

Peter M. Warren


page 361

Florens Felten - Walter Gauss - Rudolfine Smetana


page 363

Florens Felten - Walter Gauss - Rudolfine Smetana


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Florens Felten - Walter Gauss - Rudolfine Smetana


page 369