Electronic Publication/s

The Lustrous Wares of Late Bronze Age Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean

Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie Band XLI

The Lustrous Wares of Late Bronze Age Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-6122-6
Subject AreaEgyptology
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Irmgard Hein


page 1

Irmgard Hein


page 5

Irmgard Hein

General Abbreviations

page 7

Irmgard Hein

Bibliographical Abbreviations

page 8

Irmgard Hein

Preface by the Editor

page 9

Michal Artzy

On the Origin(s) of the Red and White Lustrous Wheel-made Ware

page 11

Paul Åström

Black Lustrous Wheel-made Ware on Cyprus

page 19

Celia J. Bergoffen

Reflections on two "Lustrous" Base Ring I Kraters from Alalakh

page 25

Annie Caubet

The Lustrous Wares of LB Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean

page 37

Lindy Crewe

Contextualising the Lustrous Wares at Enkomi: Settlement and Mortuary Deposition During Late Cypriot I-IIB

page 43

Kathryn O. Eriksson

Using Cypriot Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware to establish Cultural and Chronological Synchronisms during the Late Bronze Age

page 51

Kathryn O. Eriksson

A Rare Species: Some Observations on the Chronological Significance of Cypriot White Lustrous Wheel-made Ware

page 61

Peter M. Fischer

A Note on the Lustrous Wheel-Made Wares from Tell el-cAjjul

page 71

Irmgard Hein

The Significance of the Lustrous Ware Finds from cEzbet Helmi/Tell el-Dabca (Egypt)

page 79

Jürgen O. Hörburger

Black Lustrous Wheel-Made Ware in Egypt: The Distribution of a Cypriot Import

page 107

Carl Knappett - Vassilis Kilikoglou

Provenancing Red Lustrous Wheelmade Ware: Scales of Analysis and Floating Fabrics

page 115

Ekin Kozal

Regionality in Anatolia between 15th and 13th centuries BC: Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware versus Mycenaean Pottery

page 141

Robert S. Merrillees

When did Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware First Appear in the Levant?

page 149

Dirk Paul Mielke

Red Lustrous Wheelmade Ware from Hittite Contexts

page 155

Cornelia Schubert - Ekin Kozal

Preliminary Results of Scientific and Petrographic Analyses on Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware and other LBA Ceramics from Central Anatolia and Cyprus

page 169

Alison South - Louise Steel

Red Lustrous Wheelmade Ware from Kalavasos

page 179

Val J. Steele - Ben Stern - Carl Knappett

Organic Residue Analysis of Red Lustrous Wheelmade Ware from Five Sites in the Eastern Mediterranean

page 191

Amir Gorzalczany - Eli Yannai

Cypriot Grey Lustrous Wheel Made Ware in Light of New Petrographical Analysis - Typology, Provenance and Chronology

page 197

Irmgard Hein

Topographical Index

page 207