Electronic Publication/s

LH III C Chronology and Synchronisms II. LH III C Middle

Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 362. Band

LH III C Chronology and Synchronisms II. LH III C Middle


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-6075-5
Subject AreaClassical Archaeology
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy - Michaela Zavadil


page 1

Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy - Michaela Zavadil


page 5

Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy - Michaela Zavadil


page 7

Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy - Michaela Zavadil


page 9

Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy - Michaela Zavadil

Programme of the Workshop

page 11

Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy - Michaela Zavadil

List of Participants

page 13

Eva Alram-Stern

Characteristic Small Finds of LH III C from Aigeira and their Context

page 15

Maria Andreadaki-Vlazaki - Eleni Papadopoulou

Recent Evidence for the Destruction of the LM III C Habitation at Khamalevri, Rethymnon

page 27

Elisabetta Borgna

LM III C Pottery at Phaistos: An Attempt to Intergrate Typological Analysis with Stratigraphic Investigation

page 55

Joost H. Crouwel

Pictorial Pottery of LH III C Middle and its Antecedents

page 73

Anna Lucia d´Agata

Evolutionary Paradigms and Late Minoan III. On a Definition of LM III C Middle

page 89

Fanouria Dakoronia

LH III C Middle Pottery Repertoire of Kynos

doi: 10.1553/128

Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy

Defining LH III C Middle at the Cemetery of Elateia-Alonaki in Central Greece

page 129

Katie Demakopoulou

Laconia and Arcadia in LH III C Middle: Pottery and other Finds

page 161

Elizabeth French

Late Helladic III C Middle at Mycenae

page 175

Brigitta P. Hallager

Problems with LM/LH III B/C Synchronisms

page 189

Reinhard Jung

LH III C Middle Synchronisms across the Adriatic

page 203

Penelope A. Mountjoy

A Definition of LH III C Middle

page 221

Tobias Mühlenbruch

The Post-Palatial Settlement in the Lower Citadel of Tiryns

page 243

Michalis Petropoulos

A Mycenaean Cemetery at Nikoleika near Aigion of Achaia

page 253

Jeremy B. Rutter

How Different is LH III C Middle at Mitrou? An Initial Comparison with Kalapodi, Kynos, and Lefkandi

page 287

Elizabeth V. Schofield †

Lefkandi in Late Helladic III C Middle

page 301

Marina Thomatos

Koine and subsidiary Koines: Coastal and Island Sites of the Central and Southern Aegean during LH III C Middle

page 315

Peter M. Warren

Characteristics of Late Minoan III C from the Stratigraphical Museum Site at Knossos

page 329

Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy - Michaela Zavadil

Report on the Final General Discussion

page 345