Electronic Publication/s

The Bronze Age in the Lebanon

Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie Band L

The Bronze Age in the Lebanon


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-6519-4
Subject AreaEgyptology
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Manfred Bietak - Ernst Czerny


page 1

Manfred Bietak - Ernst Czerny


page 5

Manfred Bietak - Ernst Czerny


page 7

Manfred Bietak - Ernst Czerny

Preface by the Editors

page 9

Claude Doumet-Serhal

The British Museum Excavation at Sidon: Markers for the Chronology of the Early and Middle Bronze Age in Lebanon

page 11

J. Alexander MacGillivray

The Minoan Sidon Cup

page 45

Yasmine Makaroun Bou-Assaf

Organisation architecturale á Byblos (Liban) au Bronze Aneien

page 51

Jean-Paul Thalmann

Tell Arqa et Byblos, essai de corrélation

page 61

Regine Pruzsinszky with notes by M. Heinz

The Texts from Kamid el-Loz and their Chronological Implications

page 79

Peter M. Fischer

A Middle Bronze Age III Jug from the Lebanese Coast at Tell Abu al-Kharaz, Jordan Valley

page 87

Marco Iamoni

The MB II and Late Bronze Age Simple Ware from Tell Mishrifeh/Qatna

page 93

Marta Luciani

The Late MB to Early LBA in Qatna with Special Emphasis on Decorated and Imported Pottery

page 115

Daniele Morandi Bonacossi

The EB/MB Transition at Tell Mishrifeh: Stratigraphy, Ceramics and Absolute Chronology. A Preliminary Review

page 127

Jaques Lagarce - Èlisabeth du Puytison-Lagarce

Remarques sur le matériel égyptien et égyptisant de Ras Shamra (<< Maison aux Albatres >>) et de Ras Ibn Hani á la lumiére de données récentes sur la chronologie de la fin d´Ugarit

page 153

David A. Aston

A History of Tell El-Yahudiyeh Typology

page 165

Karin Kopetzky

The MB IIB-Corpus of the Hyksos Period at Tell el-Dab´a

page 195

Tomb Types and Layout of a Middle Bronze IIA Cemetery at Tell el Dab´a, Area F/I. Egyptian and Non-Egyptian Features

page 243

Manfred Bietak - Ernst Czerny


page 257