Electronic Publication/s

In the Midst of the Jordan

Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie Band LXIV

In the Midst of the Jordan


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7083-9
Subject AreaEgyptology
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print


page 1


page 5

Manfred Bietak

Preface by the Editor

page 7

Aren M. Maeir


page 9

Aren M. Maeir

Chapter 1: Introduction

page 11

Aren M. Maeir

Chapter 2: Regional Introduction

page 15

Aren M. Maeir

Chapter 3: Description of Major Sites

page 39

Aren M. Maeir

Chapter 4: Aspects of Material Culture, Trade, and Chronology

page 63

Aren M. Maeir

Chapter 5: Settlement Patterns and Processes

page 131

Aren M. Maeir

Appendix A: List of Sites in the Jordan Valley with Middle Bronze Age Remains

page 179

Ezra S. Marcus

Appendix B: Radiometric Dates from the Middle Bronze Age Jordan Valley

page 243

Aren M. Maeir


page 253

Aren M. Maeir

List of Figures

page 297

Aren M. Maeir

List of Tables

page 299