Electronic Publication/sproceedingsStefan Procházka - Lucian Reinfandt - Sven Tost Official Epistolography and the Language(s) of PowerPapyrologica Vindobonensia8 ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-7705-0 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-7938-2 Subject Area: Ancient History refereed - online - print |
Preliminaries page I
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Contents page V
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Preface page VII
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Contributors page IX
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Lucian Reinfandt - Sven Tost - Michael Jursa
Administrative Epistolography in Ancient Empires: An Introduction page XI
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I Epistolography in the Ancient Near East
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Eckart Frahm
Some Like It Hot: Reflections on the Historical “Temperature” of Letters from Mesopotamian Royal Archives page 3
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Walther Sallaberger
Special Cases and Legal Matters: Diction and Function of Letters in the State of the Third Dynasty of Ur (2110–2003 BC) page 15
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Dominique Charpin
To Write or Not to Write: The Duty of Information Towards the King in the Amorite Near East (20th–17th Centuries B.C.) page 31
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Cecile Michel
Les lettres des rois d’Aššur découvertes à Kaniš (XIXe siècle av. J.-C.) page 43
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Karen Radner
Royal Pen Pals: The kings of Assyria in Correspondence with Officials, Clients and Total Strangers (8th and 7th Centuries BC) page 61
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Heather D. Baker - Melanie Groß
Doing the King’s Work: Perceptions of Service in the Assyrian Royal Correspondence page 73
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Frederick Mario Fales
Idiolects and Identities in the Neo-Assyrian Epistolary Corpus page 91
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Michael Jursa - Johannes Hackl
Rhetorics, Politeness, Persuasion and Argumentation in Late Babylonian Epistolography: The Contrast Between Official Correspondence and Private Letters page 101
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Robert Rollinger
Royal Strategies of Representation and the Language(s) of Power: Some Considerations on the Audience and the Dissemination of the Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions page 117
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II Epistolography in the Classical World
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Charikleia Armoni
Amtliche Ermahnungsbriefe aus dem hellenistischen Ägypten page 133
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Vera Hofmann
Communications between City and King in the Hellenistic East page 139
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Hans Taeuber
Die Korrespondenz hellenistischer und römischer Herrscher aus der Perspektive modernen Managements page 153
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Clifford Ando
Three Revolutions in Government page 163
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Rosalinde Kearsley
The Epistolary Genre of Classical Antiquity and the Epigraphy of Early Imperial Galatia: the ‘Appendix’ to the Res Gestae page 173
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Werner Eck
Die römischen Amtsträger und die sozialen Gruppen im Imperium Romanum: Der Reflex in der epigraphischen Dokumentation page 185
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Ari Z. Bryen
Tradition, Precedent, and Power in Roman Egypt page 201
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III Epistolography in Late Antiquity and Early Islam
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Simon Corcoran
“The Augusti and Caesars Say”: Imperial Communication in a Collegiate Monarchy page 219
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Sven Tost
Diktion und Funktionalität verwaltungsinterner Korrespondenz von Amtsträgern des Sicherheitswesens im spätantiken Ägypten page 237
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Jean-Luc Fournet
Des villageois en quête de lettres officielles: le cas des pétitionnaires d’Aphrodité (Égypte, VIe s. ap. J.-C.) page 255
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Arietta Papaconstantinou
The Rhetoric of Power and the Voice of Reason: Tensions Between Central and Local in the Correspondence of Qurra ibn Sharīk page 267
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Lucian Reinfandt
Empireness in Arabic Letter Formulae page 281
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Stephan Procházka - Ursula Bsees
Performatives in Arabic Administrative Speech page 293
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Index page 301
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Plates page 337
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