Elektronische Publikation/en
GI_Forum 2015 – Geospatial Minds for Society
ISBN-13: 978-3-87907-558-4 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-7826-2
refereed - online
Page I
Adrijana Car - Thomas Jekel - Josef Strobl - Gerald Griesebner
Page V
Table of Contents
Page VII
Adrijana Car - Gerald Griesebner (Eds.)
Barbara Hofer
Common Elements in Semantic Descriptions of Web Processing Services
Page 2
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s2
Martin Sudmanns - Sebastian Cadus - Mona Bartling
Geodata-based Alerting Service (GAS): A Conceptual Framework to Create Notifications Based on Spatial and Temporal Data
Page 6
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s6
Felix Bensmann - Dorian Alcacer-Labrador - Rainer Roosmann - Wassilios Kazakos - Roman Wössner - Andreas Abecker
Tools for Distributed Geodata Processing Based on OGC Web Processing Services
Page 16
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s16
Andrey Martovoy - Clémentine Fry - Prune Gautier - Elisabeth Weinke - Marco Vianello - Arlindo Jose Santos - Cláudio Miguel Santos Cândido
Indicators for Evaluating the Impact of a Utility Infrastructure’s Cloud-based Registry
Page 20
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s20
Milena Kocher - Michael Leitner
Forecasting of Crime Events Applying Risk Terrain Modeling
Page 30
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s30
Markus Straub - Anita Graser
Learning from Experts: Inferring Road Popularity from GPS Trajectories
Page 41
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s41
Andreas Eisl - Andreas Koch
Geographic Modeling: Approaching Reality in Land Use Simulation Pragmatically
Page 51
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s51
Elmar Schmaltz - Hans-Joachim Rosner - Michael Märker
Assessment of Shallow Landslide Initiation Areas Using Stochastic Modelling: The Vernazza Torrent Case Study, Liguria, Italy
Page 61
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s61
Bakhtiar Feizizadeh - Khalil Omrani - Fereidon Babaei Aghdam
Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process and Spatially Explicit Uncertainty Analysis Approach for Multiple Forest Fire Risk Mapping
Page 72
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s72
Bakhtiar Feizizadeh - Stefan Kienberger - Khalil Valizadeh Kamran
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Approach for GIS-MCDA Based Economic Vulnerability Assessment
Page 81
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s81
Michael E. Hodgson - Alexandria McCombs - April Hiscox
Sensitivity of Flux Footprint Modelling to Geographic Resolutions and Autocorrelation
Page 90
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s90
Ulrich Strötz
Calculating Timber Harvest Costs Based Solely on Spatial Predictors Exemplified by the Colorado State Forest
Page 94
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s94
Quynh Huong Nghiem
GIS-based Spatial Multi-criteria Analysis: A vulnerability Assessment Model for the Protected Areas of Vietnam
Page 103
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s103
Helen Dorn - Tobias Törnros - Markus Reichert - Hans-Joachim Salize - Heike Trost - Ulrich Ebner-Priemer - Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg - Alexander Zipf
Incorporating Land Use in a Spatiotemporal Trigger for Ecological Momentary Assessments
Page 113
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s113
Johannes May
Semi-Automatic Detection of Storm-Felled Forest Areas in Western Norway’s Spruce Forests Using a Landsat Time Series and Change Detection
Page 117
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s117
Laura Knoth - Azmat Arif - Johanna Schmitt
Salzburg Residential Mobility Model
Page 126
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s126
Robin Wendel
Interactive Network Assessment Tool Using ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Page 136
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s136
Heidi El-Hosaini
Locating and Positioning Solar Panels in a 3D City Model: A Case Study of Newcastle, UK
Page 147
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s147
Catia Gouveia
Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on Protected Areas: A Case Study of Land Snails in Madeira Island
Page 158
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s158
Clemens Eisank - Lorenzo Rieg - Christoph Klug - Hannes Kleindienst - Rudolf Sailer
Semi-Global Matching of Pléiades Tri-Stereo Imagery to Generate Detailed Digital Topography for High-Alpine Regions
Page 168
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s168
Jan-Peter Mund - Robert Wilke - Michael Körner - Alfred Schultz
Detecting Multi-layered Forest Stands Using High Density Airborne LiDAR Data
Page 178
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s178
Jürgen Knies
The Potential for Extracting Heat Energy from Waste Water: A Strategic Approach
Page 189
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s189
Stephan van Gasselt - Andrea Nass
Time and Geology in Geographic Information Systems: Some Formalism for Describing Temporal Events
Page 199
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s199
Mercy Mwaniki - Matthias Möller - Gerhard Schellmann
Landslide Inventory Using Knowledge Based Multi-sources Classification Time Series Mapping: A Case Study of Central Region of Kenya
Page 209
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s209
Ana Gonzalez Quintairos - Jochen Bühler - Birgit Kleinschmit - Matthias Resch
Analysis of Potential Distribution and Size of Photovoltaic Systems on Rural Rooftops
Page 220
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s220
Ekaterina Chuprikova - Armin Costa - Markus Innerebner - Roberto Monsorno - Jochen Ernst Wagner - David Moser - Mark Zebish
An Assessment of the Solar Potential of Roofs within a Web-based Solar Cadastre
Page 225
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s225
Thomas Jekel - Robert Vogler (Eds.)
Sarah Witham Bednarz - Robert S. Bednarz
Brave New World: Citizenship in Geospatially Enriched Environments
Page 230
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s230
Inga Gryl
A Starting Point: Children as Spatial Citizens
Page 241
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s241
Stefan Brauckmann
“How Do You Wish to Remember?” – Youth Participation and Culture of Remembrance Using Geo-Information
Page 251
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s251
Eric Sanchez - George Kalmpourtzis - Jean Cazes - Michael Berthoix - Réjane Monod-Ansaldi
Learning with Tactileo Map: From Gamification to Ludicization of Fieldwork
Page 261
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s261
Noemi De Luca - Nicole Ferber - Helena Atteneder - Thomas Jekel
Feminist and Queer Approaches to Education for Spatial Citizenship
Page 272
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s272
Christian Groß - Inga Gryl
Gender-biased Appropriation of Space?
Page 283
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s283
Christiane Hintermann - Herbert Pichler
Gendered Spaces in the City: Critical Topography in Geography Education
Page 287
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s287
Ainura Nazarkulova - Josef Strobl
Central Asia on the Cloud: Prototyping an Open Regional Atlas
Page 299
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s299
Florian Hruby - Rainer Ressl - Alexander Wolodtschenko
Cloud-based Atlassing
Page 305
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s305
Durval Silva - Karl Donert
Communicating Geography with the Cloud
Page 315
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s315
Robert Plötz - Friedrich Barnikel
Erasmus+/Comenius-Cooperation of European Schools Using GIS Applications to Assess “Life in Our Neighbourhood – Life in Our City”
Page 320
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s320
Stefanie Zecha - Ludwig Hilger
EarthCaches: An Opportunity for Learning Geoscience; a Pilot Study for Glaciomorphologically Themed EarthCaches
Page 324
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s324
Martin Dür
The Use of the Digital “Vorarlberg Atlas” in the Subject of Geography and Economics: Experiences from a School Project
Page 335
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s335
Hans-Jörg Stark - Daria Hollenstein - Kevin Hürbi - Thomas Gerzner
“IVGI Noise App”: An App to Raise Awareness of Noise Pollution and to Promote Spatial Technologies in Secondary Schools
Page 345
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s345
Andreas Rienow - Henryk Hodam - Fabian Selg - Gunter Menz
Columbus Eye: Interactive Earth Observation from the ISS in Class Rooms
Page 349
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s349
Andrea Pődör - András Révész - Attila Ócsai - Zoltán Ladomerszki
Testing some Aspects of Usability of Crowdsourced Smartphone Generated Noise Maps
Page 354
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s354
Aikaterini Klonari - Anna Aikaterini Likouri
The Relation of Multiple Intelligences and Spatial Perception with Performance in Geography Education
Page 359
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s359
Steffen Höhnle - Rainer Mehren - Jan Christoph Schubert
Teachers’ Perspectives on Teacher Training for Better Implementation of GIS in the Geography Classroom
Page 363
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s363
Thomas Jekel - Nicole Ferber - Kirstin Stuppacher
Innovation vs. Innovativeness: Do We Support Our Students in (Re-)Inventing the World?
Page 373
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s373
Stefan Lang - Petra Füreder (Eds.)
Stefan Lang - Petra Füreder
Earth Observation for Humanitarian Operations
Page 384
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s384
Petra Füreder - Stefan Lang - Edith Rogenhofer - Dirk Tiede - Andreas Papp
Monitoring Displaced People in Crisis Situations Using Multi-temporal VHR Satellite Data During Humanitarian Operations in South Sudan
Page 391
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s391
Yann Rebois - Friderieke Alschner
Use of Satellite Imagery at the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)
Page 402
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s402
Fritjof Lüthje - Dirk Tiede - Petra Füreder
Don’t See the Dwellings for the Trees: Quantifying the Effect of Tree Growth on Multi-temporal Dwelling Extraction in a Refugee Camp
Page 406
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s406
Olaf Kranz - Elisabeth Schoepfer - Kristin Spröhnle - Stefan Lang
Multi-scale Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Refugee Camps in the Context of Climatic Variability
Page 416
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s416
Michael Hagenlocher - Dirk Tiede - Lorenz Wendt - Stefan Lang
An Earth Observation-based Approach for the Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Refugee and IDP Camps
Page 420
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s420
Andreas Braun - Volker Hochschild
Combining SAR and Optical Data for Environmental Assessments Around Refugee Camps
Page 424
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s424
Sebastian Langer - Dirk Tiede - Fritjof Lüthje
Long-term Monitoring of the Environmental Impact of a Refugee Camp Based on Landsat Time Series: The Example of Deforestation and Reforestation During the whole Lifespan of the Camp Lukole, Tanzania
Page 434
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s434
Sebastian D’Oleire-Oltmanns - Barbara Riedler - Lena Pernkopf - Elisabeth Weinke - Stefan Lang
Validation Strategy for User-specific Map Products for the European Copernicus Security Service
Page 438
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s438
Audrey Lessard-Fontaine - Mathieu Soupart - Sylvie de Laborderie
Supporting Ebola Combat with Satellite Images: The MSF Perspective
Page 445
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s445
Lorenz Wendt - Sylke Hilberg - Jörg Robl - Andreas Braun - Edith Rogenhofer - Daniel Dirnberger - Thomas Strasser - Petra Füreder - Stefan Lang
Using Remote Sensing and GIS to Support Drinking Water Supply in Refugee/IDP Camps
Page 449
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s449
Stefan Kienberger - Michael Hagenlocher (Eds.)
Lucia Morper-Busch - Stefan Kienberger - Michael Hagenlocher
HEALTHY FUTURES Atlas: An Open-source WebGIS to Support Infectious Disease Intervention Planning in Eastern Africa
Page 460
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s460
Andreas Keler - Jukka M. Krisp
Spatio-temporal Visualization of Interpolated Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in Beijing
Page 464
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s464
Bakhtiar Feizizadeh - Samira Pourmoradian - Samereh Pourmoradian
Food Security Assessment Based on GIS Spatial Analysis in the Rural Area of East Azerbaijan Province, Iran
Page 475
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s475
Pablo Cabrera Barona - Thomas Blaschke
Healthcare Accessibility and Socio-economic Deprivation: A Case Study in Quito, Ecuador
Page 484
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s484
Klaus Böhm - Nikolai Bock - Torsten Sehlinger
Location Based Sensing for Health Diagnoses: A Prototype for Personalized Pollen Profiling
Page 493
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s493
Melanie N. Tomintz - Victor M. Garcia-Barrios
Location Analysis of Smoking Cessation Services in Austria
Page 503
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s503
Bernd Resch (Ed.)
Bernd Resch - Martin Sudmanns - Günther Sagl - Anja Summa - Peter Zeile - Jan-Philipp Exner
Crowdsourcing Physiological Conditions and Subjective Emotions by Coupling Technical and Human Mobile Sensors
Page 514
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s514
Enrico Steiger - Timothy Ellersiek - Bernd Resch - Alexander Zipf
Uncovering Latent Mobility Patterns from Twitter During Mass Events
Page 525
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s525
Levente Juhasz - Hartwig Hochmair
Exploratory Completeness Analysis of Mapillary for Selected Cities in Germany and Austria
Page 535
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s535
Anita Graser - Markus Straub
Improving Navigation: Automated Name Extraction for Separately Mapped Pedestrian and Cycle Links
Page 546
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s546
Gudrun Wallentin - Martin Loidl (Eds.)
Gudrun Wallentin - Martin Loidl
Agent-based Bicycle Traffic Model for Salzburg City
Page 558
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s558
Christoph Mayrhofer
Performance, Scale & Time in Agent-based Traffic Modelling with NetLogo
Page 567
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s567
Johannes Scholz
Shortest Paths for Groups: Introducing a Predictive Memory for Cognitive Agents
Page 571
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s571
Rita Cyganski - Antje von Schmidt - Daniel Teske
Applying Geovisualisation to Validate and Communicate Simulation Results of an Activity-based Travel Demand Model
Page 575
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s575
Daniel Steiner - Hartwig Hochmair - Gernot Paulus
Quality Assessment of Open Realtime Data for Public Transportation in the Netherlands
Page 579
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s579
Hermann Klug (Ed.)
Hermann Klug - Alexander Kmoch - Steffen Reichel
Adjusting the Frequency of Automated Phosphorus Measurements to Environmental Conditions
Page 590
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s590
Hermann Klug - Liviu Oana
A Multi-purpose Weather Forecast Model for the Mondsee Catchment
Page 600
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s600
Christian Jolk - Harro Stolpe - Roman Wössner - Andreas Abecker
A GIS-Based Decision-Support Tool for Integrated Water Resources Management in the Middle Olifants River System
Page 610
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s610
Angela Hof
Modelling Gardens as Social-ecological Systems Using Geodata: The Example of Watering and Landscaping of Urban Ecosystems
Page 614
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s614
Chunzhu Wei - Pablo Cabrera Barona - Thomas Blaschke
Where is the Poverty Area? Quantifying the Neighborhood Effect in a Deprivation Index Estimation: A case Study in Quito, Ecuador
Page 625
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s625
Narong Pleerux
Risk Assessment of Agricultural Areas in Chon Buri, Thailand: A Composite Index on Sub-District Level
Page 635
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s635
Page 643
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015s643
doi: 10.1553/giscience2015