Electronic Publication/s

Amphora Research in Castrum Villa on Brijuni Island

Archäologische Forschungen 29

Amphora Research in Castrum Villa on Brijuni Island


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8479-9
Subject AreaClassical Archaeology
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print

Amphora Research in Castrum Viall on Brijuni Island


page I


page V

Andreas Pülz


page VII

Friedrich Krinzinger

In memoriam Tamás Bezeczky (1949 – 2018)

page IX

Tamás Bezeczky (†)

Introduction and acknowledgements

page XI

List of figures

page XIII

List of plates

page XV

Tamás Bezeczky

Istria and the amphora workshops

page 3

Martino La Torre - Tamás Bezeczky

The villas of Brijuni

page 11

Alexander Schobert

The early Christian churches of Brijuni

page 29

Tamás Bezeczky

Italian and Istrian amphorae

page 41

Horacio González Cesteros - Piero Berni Millet

Hispanic amphorae

page 47

Horacio González Cesteros

Eastern Mediterranean amphorae

page 55

Michel Bonifay - Claudio Capelli

African amphorae

page 71

Piero Berni Millet - Tamás Bezeczky

Amphora stamps and inscriptions

page 77

Tamás Bezeczky - Piero Berni Millet - Michel Bonifay - Claudio Capelli - Horacio González Cesteros - Sándor Józsa - György Szakmány


page 79

Piero Berni Millet

Calendar graffiti on Dressel 20 amphorae

page 125

Piero Berni Millet

Inscriptions on laterite finds from Brijuni

page 147

György Szakmány - Sándor Józsa

Micropetrography of the Fažana amphorae

page 187

Tamás Bezeczky

Summary - Sažetak

page 201

Tamás Bezeczky

The Fažana amphora stamps

page 209


page 219


page 223