Electronic Publication/scollected editionWoytek Bernhard Infrastructure and Distribution in Ancient EconomiesDenkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse506. Band ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-8108-8 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8471-3 Subject Area: Ancient History online - print |
Infrastructure and Distribution in Ancient Economies
(Abstract) (PDF)
Preliminaries page 1
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Table of Contents page 5
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Bernhard Woytek
Foreword page 7
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Bernhard Woytek
Abbreviations used in this volume page 9
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Bernhard Woytek
Infrastructure and Distribution in Ancient Economies: by Way of Introduction page 11
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Vincent Gabrielsen
GREEK ECONOMIES - “Mankind’s Most Secure and Durable Institution”: State, Credit, Trade and Capital Accumulation in the Classical – Early Hellenistic Aegean page 25
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Gerhard Thür - Michele Faraguna
Silver from Laureion:Mining, Smelting, and Minting* page 45
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Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert
Die-Sharing and the Transfer of Dies: Evidence for Orders and Shipments of Large Sums of Money in the Ancient Greek World (5th to 3rd Centuries BC) page 59
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Alain Bresson
Coins and Trade in Hellenistic Asia Minor: the Pamphylian Hub* page 67
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Simon Keay
THE ROMAN ECONOMY - The Role Played by the Portus Augusti in Flows of Commerce between Rome and its Mediterranean Ports page 147
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Claude Domergue - Christian Rico
L’approvisionnement en métaux de l’Occident méditerranéen à la fin de la République et sous le Haut-Empire. Flux, routes, organisation page 193
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Kevin Butcher - Bernhard Woytek
The Grand Scheme of Things. Modelling Coin Production and Coin Distribution in the Roman Empire in the First and Second Centuries AD page 253
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Suzanne Frey-Kupper - Clive Stannard
Evidence for the Importation and Monetary Use of Blocks of Foreign and Obsolete Bronze Coins in the Ancient World* page 283
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Roger S. Bagnall
Papyrus Documents for the Study of an Ancient Economy: Methods and Materials from an Egyptian Oasis page 355
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Thomas Kruse
The Transport of Goods through the Eastern Desert of Egypt. The Archive of the “Camel Driver” Nikanor page 369
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Thomas Corsten
Negotiatores und lokale Märkte in Kleinasien. Überlegungen zu einer Rekonstruktion ländlicher Handelsnetzwerke page 381
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Annalisa Marzano
Large-Scale Fishing and the Roman Production and Trade in Salted Fish: Some Organizational Aspects* page 393
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Ben Russell
Documentary Evidence and the Roman Stone Trade page 409
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Robert Rollinger
ANCIENT IRANIAN ECONOMIES - Between Deportation and Recruitment: Craftsmen and Specialists from the West in Ancient Near Eastern Empires (from Neo-Assyrian Times through Alexander III) page 425
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Udo Hartmann
Wege durch Parthien – Straßen, Handelsrouten und Kommunikation im Arsakidenreich page 445
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Fabrizio Sinisi
Some Remarks on the Patterns of Coin Production in the Parthian Empire page 473
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Nikolaus Schindel
Sasanian Mints – Where and Why? page 497
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Contributors to this Volume page 519
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Indices page 521
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