Electronic Publication/s

eco.mont Vol. 10 No. 2

10 2

eco.mont Vol. 10 No. 2


ISSN Online2073-1558
ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8284-9
Subject AreaGeography
Quality reviewrefereed - online
Valerie Braun - Martin Coy - Massimo Bocca - Jean-Jacques Brun - Leopold Füreder - Matej Gabrovec - Günter Köck - Guido Plassmann - Roland Psenner - Thomas Scheurer - Dominik Siegrist - Astrid Wallner - Herbert Wölger

Editorial by the editors and the editorial board - Related projects recorded in the European Mountain Pool

page 3

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s3

Maolin Hu - Chaoyang Wang - Xiangyu Zhang - Rongbin Yuan - Aifang Zhang - Liuzheng Wu - Shaoqing Jian

Fish species abundance and distribution in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve, Jiangxi Province, China

page 9

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s9

Tommaso Sitzia - Carlo Piazzi - Giovanni Barazzutti - Thomas Campagnaro

Abandonment of timber harvesting favours European beech over silver fir: evidence from Val Tovanella Nature Reserve in the southern Dolomites (Northern Italy)

page 17

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s17

Armin Kratzer

Biosphere Reserves research: a bibliometric analysis

page 36

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s36

Agata Warchalska-Troll

Natura 2000 sites in the Polish Carpathians vs local development: inevitable conflict?

page 50

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s50

Andreas Haller - Hildegardo Córdova-Aguilar

Urbanization and the advent of regional conservation: Huancayo and the Cordillera Huaytapallana, Peru

page 59

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s59

Anna-Sophie Pirtscher

A strangely-shaped protection area

page 64

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s64

Dominik Siegrist - Harry Spiess - Christian Baumgartner - Gerhard Stürzlinger

Whatsalp – A hiking study across the Alps

page 69

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s69

Morten Clemetsen - Knut Bjørn Stokke

Mountain parks in Norway – research and European collaboration

page 75

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s75

Christian Komposch - Daniel Kreiner

Gesäuse – An Alpine National Park of endemic species and biodiversity research

page 79

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s79

Anne B. Zimmermann - Susanne Wymann von Dach - Sarah-Lan Mathez-Stiefel - David Molden - Thomas Breu

A brief history of peer-reviewed mountain journals: how platforms for knowledge relevant to sustainable mountain development emerged

page 84

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s84

Dominik Siegrist

Book Review

page 88

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s88

Valerie Braun - Martin Coy - Günter Köck


page 89

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-10-2s89