Electronic Publication/s

Valerie Braun - Martin Coy - Günter Köck

eco.mont Vol. 13 No. 2

ISSN: 2073-106X ISSN Online: 2073-1558
ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8983-1
Subject Area: Geography
refereed - online

(Abstract) (PDF)

editorial board
Editorial page 3
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s3
(Abstract) (PDF)

Mosè Cometta
Culture wars and protected areas: narratives against national parks. An exploratory qualitative comparison of the movements opposing Adula Park and Locarnese Park page 5
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s5
(Abstract) (PDF)

Lisa Huber - Eva Posch - Rainer Bell - Karl Michael Höferl - Robert Steiger - Rike Stotten - Erich Tasser - Georg Leitinger
Two perspectives – one goal: resilience research in protected mountain regions page 12
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s12
(Abstract) (PDF)

Živana Krejić - Snežana Milićević
Motives for visiting the national parks of Serbia page 21
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s21
(Abstract) (PDF)

Oliver Gulas - Veronika Frank - Christoph Nitsch
Sustainable forest development in the Styrian Eisenwurzen Nature and Geopark and beyond page 29
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s29
(Abstract) (PDF)

Marco Schiefer - Eva Maria Vorwagner
Let’s partner up! From resistance to collaboration: A strategy for regional development, or how to create partnerships between nature conservation and local companies – a success story page 35
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s35
(Abstract) (PDF)

Christine Klenovec
The participatory process for a regional spatial development concept in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal page 39
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s39
(Abstract) (PDF)

Thomas Thaler - Christoph Clar - Lena Junger - Ralf Nordbeck
Opportunities and challenges for transdisciplinary research in flood risk management: some critical reflections and lessons learnt for research on sustainability page 42
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s42
(Abstract) (PDF)

Bernd Stöcklein - Christoph Moning - Volker Zahner
„Spessart“ field project of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences reaches final stage of the 2020 EU-Natura 2000 Award page 48
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s48
(Abstract) (PDF)

Domenico Branca - Andreas Haller - Boris Blanco-Gallegos - Vicente Alanoca-Arocutipa
Mediating mind-sets: the Cerro Khapía Landscape Reserve in the Peruvian Andes page 52
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s52
(Abstract) (PDF)

Hui Wang - Dong Xie - Wen Xiong - Wei Tang - Zhigang Wu - Keyan Xiao - Qiang Wang
Current status and future prospects of Lhalu wetland on the Tibetan Plateau page 58
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s58
(Abstract) (PDF)

Chris Walzer - Guido Plassmann
Mountain Biodiversity Day 2021 – biodiversity and pandemic page 62
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s62
(Abstract) (PDF)

Emmanuel Reynard - Adrienne Grêt-Regamey - Roger Keller
The ValPar.CH project – Assessing the added value of ecological infrastructure in Swiss Parks page 64
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s64
(Abstract) (PDF)

News page 69
doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-13-2s69
(Abstract) (PDF)

Legal Notice
(Abstract) (PDF)