eco.mont Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail: |
eco.mont Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management
ISSN 2073-106X
Print Edition ISSN 2073-1558 Online Edition ISBN 978-3-7001-7118-8 Online Edition Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management 3/1
06/2011 online edition Die print-Edition erscheint in der innsbruck university press Indexed by: Science Citation Index
Axel Borsdorf
is professor of geography at the University of Innsbruck and director of the Institute of Mountain Research: Man and Environment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences ÖAW Günter Köck is director of the national research programmes of the Austrian Academy of Sciences ÖAW
Tatjana Yashina
S. 59 - 62 doi:10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s59 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften doi:10.1553/eco.mont-3-1s59
Abstract: Climate change is increasingly recognized as the driver of biodiversity change. In recent years, the issues related to climate change have left the purely scientific realm and got on the agenda of many international organizations, programmes, conventions and initiatives seeking ways to mitigate and adapt to this phenomenon. Protected areas and biosphere reserves (BRs) in particular, focused as they are on the conservation of ecosystem services and on fostering sustainable regional development, play an important role in developing and implementing mitigation and adaptation measures and policies. This is officially recognized within the framework of the Madrid Action Plan for the BRs, adopted in 2008. It states that “MAB and WNBR bring added value through the integrated approach which is generally absent elsewhere. The role of biosphere reserves is essential to rapidly seek and test solutions to the challenges of climate change as well as monitor the changes as part of a global network. For the Natural Sciences as well as other Programme Sectors of UNESCO, biosphere reserves can be areas for demonstrating adaptation measures for natural and human systems, assisting the development of resilience strategies and practices. Buffer zones and transition areas of biosphere reserves may also be used to test many mitigation tactics and strategies”. Target 24 of the Action Plan envisages using BRs as learning sites for research into, adaptation to and mitigation of climate change effects. Keywords: biosphere-reserve climate-change adaptation-strategy Published Online: 2011/05/20 07:35:55 Document Date: 2011/05/20 07:35:00 Object Identifier: 0xc1aa5572 0x0028b191 Rights: The journal “eco.mont” – Journal of protected mountain areas research and management – was published for the first time in June 2009. The journal was founded as a joint initiative of the Alpine Network of Protected Areas (ALPARC), the International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps (ISCAR), the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) and the University of Innsbruck. The journal aims to highlight research on and management issues in protected areas in the Alps without excluding other protected mountain areas in Europe or overseas. Its target audiences are scientists from all related disciplines, managers of protected areas and interested individuals including practitioners, visitors, teachers, etc. The journal presents peer-reviewed articles in English by authors who research protected mountain areas and management issues within these areas. It's published twice a year as a collaboration of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press – responsible for the e-version – and Innsbruck University Press – responsible for the print version. Die Zeitschrift „eco.mont“ – Zeitschrift zur Forschung in Gebirgsschutzgebieten – erschien im Juni 2009 zum ersten Mal. Die Zeitschrift wurde auf Initiative des Netzwerks Alpiner Schutzgebiete (ALPARC), der Schweizer Akademie der Naturwissenschaften (ISCAR), der Österreichischen Akademie für Wissenschaft (ÖAW) und der Universität Innsbruck gegründet. Sie hat das Ziel, Themen zu behandeln, die gleichzeitig Forschung und Verwaltung in und über die Schutzgebiete der Alpen betreffen, ohne dabei andere Gebirgsschutzgebiete Europas oder anderswo auszuschließen. Diese neue Zeitschrift richtet sich an ein Publikum von Wissenschaftlern der verschiedensten Fachbereiche, an die Verwalter von Schutzgebieten und an alle sonstigen Interessierten, Praktiker, Besucher, Lehrpersonal etc. einbegriffen. Die Zeitschrift veröffentlicht begutachtete Beiträge auf Englisch von Autoren, die Fragen der Gebirgsschutzgebieten und deren Verwaltung forschen. Sie erscheint zweimal pro Jahr, auf der Basis der gemeinsamen Anstrengungen des Verlags der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, der für die digitale Fassung verantwortlich ist, und der Presse der Universität Innsbruck, verantwortlich für die gedruckte Fassung. |
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
A-1011 Wien, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
Tel. +43-1-515 81/DW 3420, Fax +43-1-515 81/DW 3400, e-mail: |