Electronic Publication/s

eco.mont Vol. 4 No. 1

4 1

eco.mont Vol. 4 No. 1


ISSN Online2073-1558
ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7293-2
Subject AreaGeography
Quality reviewrefereed - online
Valerie Braun


page 3

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-4-1s3

Thomas Hammer - Ingo Mose - Thomas Scheurer - Dominik Siegrist - Norbert Weixlbaumer

Societal research perspectives on protected areas in Europe

page 5

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-4-1s5

Jean-Baptiste Bosson - Emmanuel Reynard

Geomorphological heritage, conservation and promotion in high-alpine protected areas

page 13

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-4-1s13

Sabine Güsewell - Frank Klötzli

Local plant species replace initially sown species on roadsides in the Swiss National Park

page 23

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-4-1s23

Daniel Kreiner - Alexander Maringer - Lisbeth Zechner

ECONNECT – Improving connectivity in the Alps Implementation in the pilot region Northern Limestone Alps

page 41

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-4-1s41

Manuela Müller

Surveying cultural landscape elements across the Alpine Space

page 47

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-4-1s47

Flavio V. Ruffini

The pale mountain – a UNESCO World Heritage Site

page 53

doi: 10.1553/eco.mont-4-1s53