Electronic Publication/s

eco.mont Vol. 1 No. 2

eco.mont Vol. 1 No. 2


ISSN Online2073-106X
ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-6805-8
Subject AreaGeography
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Axel Borsdorf - Günter Köck


page 1

doi: 10.1553/ecomont2s1

Axel Borsdorf - Günter Köck


page 2

doi: 10.1553/ecomont2s2

Michael Vogel


page 3

doi: 10.1553/ecomont2s3

Juliane Geyer - Fedir D. Hamor - Pierre L. Ibisch

Carpathian Biosphere Reserve (Ukraine): Towards Participatory Management

page 5

doi: 10.1553/ecomont2s5

Isabelle Mauz - Anke Fischer - Fransje Langers - Juliette Young - Birgit Bednar-Friedl - Sigrid Grünberger - Oana Musceleanu

Perceiving biodiversity changes in daily life – insights from an exploratory survey across Europe

page 39

doi: 10.1553/ecomont2s39

Brigitte Scott - Oliver Bender - Axel Borsdorf


page 46

doi: 10.1553/ecomont2s46

Massimo Bocca - Claudio Comoglio - Luca Ganis - Allessandro Nota

Mont Avic Natural Park – Management Supported by Scientific Research and EMS

page 47

doi: 10.1553/ecomont2s47

Pier Luigi Nimis - Stefano Martellos

Computer-aided Tools for Identifying Organisms and their Importance for Protected Areas

page 61

doi: 10.1553/ecomont2s61

Andreas Weissen

The Park Creation Boom in Switzerland

page 67

doi: 10.1553/ecomont2s67

Axel Borsdorf - Günter Köck

Joint Declaration

page 69

doi: 10.1553/ecomont2s69

Axel Borsdorf - Günter Köck

Legal Notice

page 70

doi: 10.1553/ecomont2s70