Subject: Sociology and Economics
ISSN: 1728-4414
ISSN Online: 1728-5305
(Online Edition without reprints)
Successor to Demographische Informationen

Editor: Tomáš Sobotka
Managing Editor: Maria Winkler-Dworak            

(Abstract) (PDF)

(Abstract) (PDF)

(Abstract) (PDF)

Tomáš Sobotka - Éva Beaujouan - Jan Van Bavel
Introduction: education and fertility in low-fertility settings page 001
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s001
(Abstract) (PDF)

Alícia Adserà
The future fertility of highly educated women: the role of educational composition shifts and labor market barriers page 019
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s019
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Lutz
Education empowers women to reach their personal fertility target, regardless of what the target is page 027
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s027
(Abstract) (PDF)

Maria Rita Testa
Will highly educated women have more children in the future? Looking at reproductive plans and outcomes page 033
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s033
(Abstract) (PDF)

Jan Van Bavel
What do men want? The growing importance of men’s characteristics for fertility page 041
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s041
(Abstract) (PDF)

Diego Ramiro-Fariñas - Francisco J. Viciana-Fernández - Víctor Montañés Cobo
Will highly educated women have more children in the future? In Southern Europe, it will largely depend on labour market conditions page 049
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s049
(Abstract) (PDF)

Gøsta Esping-Andersen
Education, gender revolution, and fertility recovery page 055
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s055
(Abstract) (PDF)

Alícia Adserà
Education and fertility in the context of rising inequality page 063
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s063
(Abstract) (PDF)

Eva-Maria Merz - Aart C. Liefbroer
Cross-national differences in the association between educational attainment and completed fertility. Do welfare regimes matter? page 095
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s095
(Abstract) (PDF)

Martin Lakomý
The role of values and of socioeconomic status in the education-fertility link among men and women page 121
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s121
(Abstract) (PDF)

Alessandra Trimarchi - Jan Van Bavel
Pathways to marital and non-marital first birth: the role of his and her education page 143
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s143
(Abstract) (PDF)

Nitzan Peri-Rotem - Jacqueline Scott
Differences in partnership and marital status at first birth by women’s and their partners’ education: evidence from Britain 1991–2012 page 181
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s181
(Abstract) (PDF)

Christos Bagavos
Do different educational pairings lead to different fertility outcomes? A cohort perspective for the Greek case page 215
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s215
(Abstract) (PDF)

Anja Oppermann
Educational field and fertility in western Germany: an analysis of women born between 1955 and 1959 page 239
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s239
(Abstract) (PDF)

Sylvie Dubuc
Fertility and education among British Asian women: a success story of social mobility? page 269
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s269
(Abstract) (PDF)

Maria Rita Testa - Fabian Stephany
The educational gradient of fertility intentions: a meta-analysis of European studies page 293
doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2017s293
(Abstract) (PDF)